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Error while i try to read node with error ID '{359D9885}'

10 Jan 2025 15:59 #13341 by support

When the exception tells tell you that there is more details about the problem in the inner exception, you should actually have a look what is in the .InnerException property of the exception, and you would have found your answer there.

But anyway, in this case, it looks like that you are attempting to read a node which has a custom complex data type. You need QuickOPC Enterprise or Utlimate edition for that ( ).

Best regards

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10 Jan 2025 14:31 #13340 by Fils72
Afther i try my C# application with QuickOPC License,
when i try to read single node, i obtains this error:

An OPC-UA operation failure with error ID '{359D9885}' occurred, originating from '' and with depth of 1. The inner exception, with error Id "{359D9885}", contains details about the problem.

my code:

PS: I have put licensefile .TXT in the application Resource and embedded it,

LicensingManagement.Instance.RegisterManagedResource("QuickOPC", "Multipurpose",Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), "*.Key-*.*");
// Instantiate the client object, obtain the serial number from the license info, and display the serial number.
var client = new EasyUAClient();
long serialNumber = (uint)client.LicenseInfo["Multipurpose.SerialNumber"];
// it seem the Serial number in returnde variable serialNumber is good, like 199912345678

I try to read node:

public static bool IsMachineConnectedToNode()
// determina se l'OPC della macchina è raggiungibile e leggibile

bool isConnected = true;

UAEndpointDescriptor UaEndpointDescriptor = Vr.OpcServerEndpoint;
UANodeDescriptor UaNodeDescriptor = Vr.OpcServerNode;

using (var client = new EasyUAClient())
var readValue = client.ReadValue(UaEndpointDescriptor, UaNodeDescriptor);


catch (Exception ex)
Fx.WriteLog("!!!--> ERRORE CONNESSIONE MACCHINA: " + ex.Message.ToString());
isConnected = false;

return isConnected;

Can someone help me please?

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