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Issues connecting to DeltaV servers.

16 Jan 2019 15:16 #6990 by MPick
10. The result is unfortunately the same, 'class not registered'

11 & 12. Registry exports included in the attached .zip

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:1 KB

Not to worry, I'm happy to help troubleshoot this issue (which is a bit of a ticking time bomb for us).

I'd imagine that being an OPC vendor yourselves Emerson would be okay with giving you a virtual machine for development purposes, hopefully that works out.

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16 Jan 2019 07:21 #6987 by support
I have also contacted Emerson regarding the DeltaV™ Simulate product, asking for conditions/price.

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16 Jan 2019 07:10 #6986 by support
Thank you very much, this is what I needed. Unfortunately I cannot see anything wrong so far, and also the information is not complete (not your fault) - the server appears to be registered as Windows service or COM+ application, leading to another redirection in the registry. Would you be so kind and do these additional steps?

10. Start the 64-bit demo app (the one that does not work - verify - should be giving Class not registered), and in the "Server class" field, replace OPC.DeltaV.1 by {C3B72AB1-6B33-11D0-9007-0020AFB6CF9F} (including the curly braces), and press "Read item" again. What is the outcome?

11. While in REGEDIT, check existence, and export the content of the node if it exists: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{C3B72AB1-6B33-11D0-9007-0020AFB6CF9F}.
12. While in REGEDIT, check existence, and export the content of the node if it exists: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WOW6432Node\AppID\{C3B72AB1-6B33-11D0-9007-0020AFB6CF9F} (this is almost guaranteed to be the same as in Step 11, because Windows should "reflect" these two parts of the registry automatically, but I want to check it nevertheless).

I apologize for bothering you with so many tasks. This is the reason why we haven't even attempted to do that with the other customer, because we need to communicate with him over an intermediary, and it takes so much time and multiple iterations, with result not guaranteed.

Best regards

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15 Jan 2019 21:55 #6985 by MPick
I believe I've collected everything, the registry exports are in the file Reg.Zip.

4. Screenshot included
5. Computer/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/WOW6432Node/OPC.DeltaV.1 does not exist.
6. Computer/HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/CLSID/clsid, where clsid is the CLSID from Step 4, does not exist

File Attachment:

File Name:
File Size:1 KB

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15 Jan 2019 18:41 - 15 Jan 2019 18:42 #6984 by support
Thank you. Can you please do the following:

1. Start REGEDIT
2. Navigate to Computer -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> OPC.DeltaV.1 (if it exists) and select it in the tree view.
3. Right-click on this node in the tree view, select Export, save it to some file; label it Step3 for clarity (and so on for other steps below).
4. There should be CLSID key undeneath, with some "(Default)" value. Make note of it.
5. Navigate to Computer -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> WOW6432Node -> OPC.DeltaV.1 . It probably won't exist, this is OK, just let us know . If it does exist, export it to some file. Also, if it does exist, compare the CLSID with the one from Step 4. They should be the same. If they are not, we will need additional steps.
6. Assuming that at this point you ended up with just one CLSID (from Step 4), navigate to Computer -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> CLSID -> clsid, where clsid is the CLSID from Step 4.
7. Export that node to a file (if the node exists).
8. Navigate to Computer -> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> WOW6432Node -> CLSID -> clsid
9. Export that node to a file (if the node exists).

Please post the resulting files in textual form here, or ZIP them or add as an attachment to the post.

Thank you
Last edit: 15 Jan 2019 18:42 by support.

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15 Jan 2019 16:00 #6983 by MPick
Okay, I ran the both of the latest opc core components installers (I had already updated the x64 core components, but I repaired it anyways) restarted the machine and the result was the same.

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15 Jan 2019 12:57 #6978 by support
Thank you very much!

I think that we are finally getting somewhere with this, Yes, it appears to have with 32/64 bit server registration.
Note: I thought that you would test this with the .NET Demo app; what you did was the COM interface to QuickOPC. This introduces another layer between the application and the QuickOPC code. But thinking about it, in the end the test has the same relevancy.

Before we go the route of exploring the precise registry entries, there is one more step to do: If possible, make sure that the latest OPC Core Components are installed on the server machine. This is not just the typical "first update everything" kind of instruction. OPC Clients use (or may use) the OPCEnum service from the OPC Core Components to browse for servers; from what I observed, in similar situations, old versions of OPC Core Components could have problems in 64-bit world, while the newer ones work OK. The OPC Core Components can be downloaded from here: .

Best regards

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14 Jan 2019 18:49 #6977 by MPick
I'm not a DeltaV expert but from what I can tell they typically sell their system with a physical workstation and it does not seem possible to get one of their OPC servers in isolation. There are however virtual environments with the complete system available for testing/training, but they don't appear to be free. Here is the webpage I can find regarding that (the page does not load correctly for me)

I've carried out the requested test (with the alteration of using OPC DA instead of UA, I had forgotten to mention this is a DA application), please see the attached screenshot. The client on the left has been compiled for Win32 and the client on the right, throwing the 'class not registered error' has been compiled for x64 (I double checked this but you unfortunately can't infer it from the screenshot).

When you say 'server's registration for 64-bits' that sounds like there are architecture dependent registry values that need to be written? How might I check this?

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12 Jan 2019 10:23 #6975 by support

thank you for reporting this. Yes, you are the second customer with this issue ("Class not registered" with Delta V OPC Server). The current status with the other customer is that he might be able to arrange a remote access for us to the affected system for remote troubleshooting, and we are waiting whether/when that would be possible.

Isn't there a way to obtain an installation of Delta V software for us? A kind demo/trial would do.

I think the 32-/64-bit distinction is quite important, and it is still a possibility that the problem is in the server's registration for 64-bits. We were not able to rule this out with certainty with the first customer. I understand that you program must stay 64-bits, but could you do the following test?:

- Test connection to Delta V server using the EasyOpcUADemo app that ships with QuickOPC, and verify that it shows the "expected" problem (Class not registered).
- Find the project source code for EasyOpcUADemo (in the QuickOPC Example), open it in Visual Studio, and in the Project properties, switch from "AnyCPU" to "x86".
- Rebuild the project
- Test this new (32-bit only) EasyOpcUA demo: try to connect to Delta V server and see what happens.

If the error goes away, it would help us to focus on the server's registration for 64 bits, and possibly resolve the issue then.

Thank you, and best regards

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10 Jan 2019 15:17 #6971 by MPick
We've been successfully using QuickOPC for a while now, but we have recently found that when we try to connect to one of Emersons DeltaV systems we are unable to do so. The error we get when attempting to write is 'Class not registered'.

I have read through the following post, and feel I should mention that it is not an option for us to compile our product for x86. There is another dependency that is 64-bit.

Other OPC clients do not have an issue connecting, browsing, reading/writing from/to this server.

to explicitly answer the leading questions from the previous post:

1. Does it happen only with browsing, or with other OPC operations too?
-We are only attempting to write/subscribe to changes
2. Does it happen always, often, sometimes, rarely?
-always with this server, never with other servers
3. What about other OPC clients - can they browse?
-other clients do not have an issue.
4. Does your client run in 32-bit or 64-bit process?
-64-bit, and we cannot change that.
5. Is the client on the same machine as the server, or is it via DCOM - remotely?
-Both. DeltaV seems to have a feature where you can install a local copy of the server and it keeps the local copy synchronized with the external, main server, without requiring a DCOM configuration. We get this issue when we try to connect to either server.

Please let me know what other information I can provide, I understand that this is not a lot to go on.

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