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- Error getting the item's data type when browsing OPC DA server (iFix)
Error getting the item's data type when browsing OPC DA server (iFix)
Thank you for your answer. It is OPC DA. Excuse me for my mistake. See the code for OPC DA.
Dim varType As VarType
szArrayLen = ""
szType = ""
ItemRemoved = False ' Aug-18-2021
varType = easyDAClient.GetDataTypePropertyValue("", server_properties.RealServerName, values(i).ItemId)
Catch opcException As OpcException
MsgBox("Error getting OPC-DA Item Data-Type(" + values(i).ItemId + ")!" + vbCrLf + "OPC Server exception: " + vbCrLf + opcException.Message + vbCrLf + opcException.InnerException.Message, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error")
Exit For
End Try
Thank you.
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Regarding "I assume you meant to write "This error comes from getting OPC UA item "properties" and not "DA properties". Correct?":
No. I meant OPC DA properties.
Before we get to the actual error, we need to straighten this out. There is a total confusion about whether we are dealing with OPC DA, or OPC UA.
Facts that indicate OPC DA:
- You have posted your issue under "QuickOPC-Classic in .NET" forum category.
- You have mentioned "iFix OPC DA Server".
- On the pictures provided, one can see that the selected item in the tree is "OPC Data Access 2.0...", and it is followed by something that looks like OPC DA server's ProgId (Intellution.OPCiFix....).
Facts that indicate OPC UA:
- The piece of code you provided is for OPC UA (uses EasyUAClient and catches UAException).
- In the last reply you seem to think that it is "possible" this is an OPC UA think.
I actually think that we are dealing with OPC DA only, and the only thing that is incorrect (and has to do with OPC UA) is the piece of code you have posted. But I need an to know from you whether that's right, or if there is another explanation that can rectify the otherwise contradictory facts laid out above.
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Thank you for your answer. I assume you meant to write "This error comes from getting OPC UA item "properties" and not "DA properties". Correct?
Due to this error/exception the customer cannot add OPC items. He can add items using Matrikon OPC Explorer.
Do you think it is an OPC UA server error?
Thank you.
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I am sure that the error message does not come from the piece of code you have provided. The code provided is for OPC UA: It uses EasyUAClient, and it catches UAException (even though the variable for the exception object is named opcException).
But anyway, it looks like that you have captured the right information, after making the code change.
This error comes from getting OPC DA item "properties" . Is the customer capable of doing some other operations on the same server?
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We have implemented the inner exception details. See the attached screen capture.
Is it enough information?
Thank you.
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Your MsgBox is showing that there is some problem, but is hiding all the information about it. It's then nearly to impossible to investigate further.
You need to show at least opcException.Message, even better opcException.InnerException.Message.
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One of our customers is getting an error message (see attached) when browsing for items from the iFix OPC DA server.
See our code below.
If UA_Security_Annonymous Then
ValueResult = easyUAClient.ReadValue(MyServerURL, values(i).NodeId.ExpandedText, UAAttributeId.DataType)
ValueResult = easyUAClient.ReadValue(gdsEndpointDescriptor, values(i).NodeId.ExpandedText, UAAttributeId.DataType)
End If
Catch opcException As UAException ' was OPCException Aug-25-2021 V1.085
MsgBox("Error getting Item Data-Type(" + nodeId + ")!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error")
Exit For
End Try
P.S: when browsing with Matrikon Explorer, there is no error message.
Thank you.
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- Error getting the item's data type when browsing OPC DA server (iFix)