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Search Results (Searched for: operationtimeout)

21 Dec 2021 06:56

OPC UA browsing - DiscoverNetworkServer, DiscoverLocalServer Timeout setting

Category: Discovery, Browsing, Browse Dialogs and Controls


This can be either a timeout returned by the server (in which case it might only be possible to change it on the server side), or one of "our" timeouts. They are described here: . Most likely, this would be the OperationTimeout.

However, it is already quite high by default (2 minutes). The public servers are meant for testing simple examples for QuickOPC only, but anybody in the world somehow feels free to use them for their own testing and create high load there.

01 Sep 2021 07:51

How to configure a request timeout in EasyUAClient?

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions

We tested the specified pre-release in our project (ASP.NET 5 application). We did not verify that loading the configuration works now. However, we can confirm that the OperationTimeout property is exactly doing what we were looking for in the beginning. It's working on Windows and Linux (Ubuntu 20.04).

This solves our issue. We will now continue our tests and wait for the production-ready release.
Thanks a lot for the great and fast support!
31 Aug 2021 14:15 - 31 Aug 2021 14:16

How to configure a request timeout in EasyUAClient?

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions


please try the pre-release version 5.62.0-rev6 from . It should all work there : 2 ways to do the config file, plus there is the OperationTimeout property: (the link on that page that should point to the reference documentation does not work yet).

Note: I admit we have *not* tested it on Linux yet. This is because we have found that the issues you have reported had actually to do with running under .NET Core/.NET 5+ . So we fixed that and it now works under .NET Core/.NET 5+ in Windows. Linux tests will come further down the road, but hopefully it will work for you already.

Best regards
28 Aug 2021 16:12

How to configure a request timeout in EasyUAClient?

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions


I had a deeper look at this. I can confirm that under Linux, there are problems in both approaches (just with the SDK config file, but also with 2 files). There are different reasons for them, but the end result is that none of them works in version 2021.2.

This should be fully resolved in 2021.3, so 1 file, 2 files, or just the OperationTimeout property - all of that will be there.

Unless the issue is critical for you to be resolved quickly, I'd like you to ask you to wait for version 2021.3. The concrete date is not yet set, though.

Best regards
28 Jul 2021 16:33

How to configure a request timeout in EasyUAClient?

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions

There are multiple timeout values.

If you can connect to the server, the server usually *does* respond properly (this timeout would be the OperationTimeout, which defaults to 60 seconds), by itself. Much more common are communication problems (network infrastructure) - in which case there are timeouts on connecting (e.g. EndpoitnSelectionTimeout), and mechanisms to detect disconnection (some of them are not even timeouts, but rather checking periods for keep messages etc. - it would be several pages to describe all that's involved).

Have a look at these links:

Best regards
01 Apr 2020 17:56

SessioneTimeout doesn't work?

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions


SessionTimeout has a different purpose - please read: .

It says (a quote from OPC specification): "Duration. Requested maximum number of milliseconds that a Session should remain open without activity. If the Client fails to issue a Service request within this interval, then the Server shall automatically terminate the Client Session."

What you are looking for might be OperationTimeout (which defaults to 120000 milliseconds). Unfortunately there is no parameter to make it easy to change. It can still be changed, but it requires more work. Please read:

For convenience, I am attaching the default configuration, so that you can modify it and then use, according to the article.

Best regards
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- A human readable but not necessarily unique name for the application instance -->
  <ApplicationName>Client Application with EasyOPC-UA</ApplicationName>
  <!-- A globally unique identifier for the application instance.
       This is overridden with the value contained in the application certificate. -->
  <!-- A globally unique URI for the product (usually assigned by the product vendor) -->
  <!-- Indicates the type of application (Client, Server or ClientServer). -->
  <!-- Specifies security related configuration information -->
    <!-- The certificate store and the location of the application instance certificate in the certificate store -->
      <!-- The type of store. -->
      <!-- The location of the store. 
           Windows store must start with LocalMachine, CurrentUser or CurrentService
           The name of the store is appended.
           Note that the names used in code are difference from what appears in the control panel.
           e.g. My == "Personal", Root == "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" -->
      <StorePath>%CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault</StorePath>
      <!-- ReSharper disable once CommentTypo -->
      <!-- The subject for the certificate 
           Note that subject names are complex structures. The text that appears here is the CommonName component.
           A complete distinguished would be something like: 'CN=UA Sample Client, DC=MACHINENAME'
           The first certificate found is used if multiple certificates with the same CommonName exist. 
           The Thumbprint should be specified if the CommonName does not uniquely identify a certificate. -->
      <SubjectName>Client Application with EasyOPC-UA</SubjectName>
      <!-- The SHA1 thumbprint for the certificate.
           The thumbprint uniquely identifies a certificate.
           It should be specified in this file, however, the samples rely on quick and 
           dirty scripts to create new certificate on each machine. A commercial application 
           would generate the initial certificate itself and update the thumbprint accordingly -->
    <!-- The list of certification authorities. 
         Typical web browsing applications trust any certificate issued by a CA in the 
         "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" certificate store. However, this approach is 
         not appropriate for UA because Administrators have no control over the CAs that get
         placed in that Root store to facilitate web browsing. This means Administrators must
         specify a different store that is used only for UA related CAs and/or they must explicitly
         specify the certificate for each trusted certification authority. -->
      <StorePath>%CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\UA Certificate Authorities</StorePath>
    <!-- The list of trusted certificates. 
         Some UA applications will use self-signed certificates (certificates without a CA)
         which means that every application which communicates with it must be configured to 
         trust it.
         Administrators may designate a certificate store that contains trusted UA application 
         instance certificates (this store should not be the same as the store used for CAs 
         certificates). Alternately, Administrators may enter the certificates explicitly in
         this list.
         Note that entries in this list may either reference a certificate in the store or
         may contained the entire certificate encoded as base64 data.
      <StorePath>LocalMachine\UA Applications</StorePath>
      <StorePath>%CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\UA Applications</StorePath>
    <!-- Applications exchange Nonces during the CreateSession. This value specifies the length. Must be >= 32 -->
    <!-- The directory used to store invalid certificates for later review by the administrator. -->
      <StorePath>%CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\RejectedCertificates</StorePath>
  <!-- Maps different transports onto a .NET implementation of a WCF Binding
       WCF bindings are very complex and have many parameters that can be tweaked. To ensure
       interoperability the SDK has defined 3 standard bindings which can be selected with this
       element. Developers may define their own Bindings as well provided the inherit from the 
       Opc.Ua.Binding.BaseBinding type and implement the same constructor as the built-in binding
       Note protocols other than HTTP or UA-TCP are not considered to be interoperable -->
    <!-- This binding wraps the ANSI C implementation of UA-TCP instead of using the C# implementation. -->
    <!-- This binding uses the WCF binary encoded XML over TCP -->
    <!-- This binding uses the WCF binary encoded XML over PIPE -->
  <!-- Specifies quotas used to by the transport layer -->
    <!-- The default timeout in milliseconds for operations (used by clients) -->
    <!-- The maximum length for a string value in any message -->
    <!-- The maximum length for a byte string value in any message -->
    <MaxByteStringLength>4194304  </MaxByteStringLength>
    <!-- The maximum length for any array in a message. 
         Note that some protocols do not distinguish between bytes and arrays. 
         In these cases the binding will choose the larger of 
         MaxByteStringLength or MaxArrayLength-->
    <!-- The maximum size of any message -->
    <!-- The maximum buffer size 
         This value controls how big a block of memory the transport layer allocates.
         Setting this value to a large value will reduce performance and use a lot of RAM -->
    <!-- The lifetime of a SecureChannel in milliseconds.
         This specifies how long the server will keep a broken channel around while waiting 
         for a client to reconnect.
         Not used by HTTP or .NET TCP bindings -->
    <!-- The lifetime of a SecurityToken in milliseconds.
         This specifies how long a security token can be used without renewal. -->
  <!-- This element is only required for Client and ClientServer applications -->
    <!-- The default timeout for new sessions -->
    <!-- The well-known URLs for the local discovery servers
         URLs are tested in the order they appear in this list. -->
    <!-- EndpointDescriptions for system wide discovery servers -->
    <!-- The file used to save the EndpointDescriptions for servers known to the Client -->
	  <!-- The minimum subscription lifetime.
	  This ensures subscriptions are not set to expire too quickly. The requested lifetime count
	  and keep alive count are calculated using this value and the request publishing interval -->
  Masks supported by the trace feature. 
  Servers will detect changes within 5 seconds.
  Do not output any messages.
  None = 0x0;
  Output error messages.
  Error = 0x1;
  Output informational messages.
  Information = 0x2;
  Output stack traces.
  StackTrace = 0x4;
  Output basic messages for service calls.
  Service = 0x8;
  Output detailed messages for service calls.
  ServiceDetail = 0x10;
  Output basic messages for each operation.
  Operation = 0x20;
  Output detailed messages for each operation.
  OperationDetail = 0x40;
  Output messages related to application initialization or shutdown
  StartStop = 0x80;
  Output messages related to a call to an external system.
  ExternalSystem = 0x100;
  Output messages related to security
  Security = 0x200;
    <OutputFilePath>%LocalApplicationData%\OPC Labs\Logs\EasyUAClient.log.txt</OutputFilePath>
    <!-- Show Only Errors -->
    <!-- <TraceMasks>1</TraceMasks> -->
    <!-- Show Only Security and Errors -->
    <!-- <TraceMasks>513</TraceMasks> -->
    <!-- Show Only Security, Errors and Trace -->
    <!-- Show Only Security, COM Calls, Errors and Trace -->
    <!-- <TraceMasks>771</TraceMasks> -->
    <!-- Show Only Security, Service Calls, Errors and Trace -->
    <!-- <TraceMasks>523</TraceMasks> -->
    <!-- Show Only Security, ServiceResultExceptions, Errors and Trace -->
    <!-- <TraceMasks>519</TraceMasks> -->
  <!-- Enables the hi-res clock for the process to allows for shorter (<100ms) publishing and sampling intervals. -->
  <!-- QueryPerformanceCounter does not work on all multi-core machines so enabling the hi-res clock by default is not recommended. -->
18 May 2019 14:03
Replied by support on topic block in CallMethod

block in CallMethod

Category: QuickOPC-UA in COM

Alright, in order to figure out the issue with UserIdentity, I would have to see all parts of the code involved. But I guess that's not important at the moment, because you *somehow* got it running (although in a weird manner). Let's focus now on the CallMethod block.

Have you tried the same method with some other OPC UA client, and what were the results? The first thing I want to determine is whether the "block" isn't actually on the server. If it were on the server side, the CallMethod will actually return, but after quite long time (I think the default is 10 minutes, for OperationTimeout on the client side).

And that's another test I want you to make please. Please wait for approx. 11 minutes., and check whether the function returns or not. If it then returns with an error, what is the error?

Best regards
05 Apr 2019 06:40

In some situations, 'BrowseDataNodes' does not complete within 20 seconds.

Category: Discovery, Browsing, Browse Dialogs and Controls


I will start from the end of your report - the part about bxsdk32.dll. This seems related to a 3-rd party product that is included in QuickOPC and takes of "virtualization" of some dependency files (such as UA Certifiate Generator), so that they do not have to be pre-installed on the machine. We have encountered problems with this library from time to time (seldom, but still). So, first thing I'd suggest to do, is to make sure that the "bxsdk32.dll" problem is not causing further issues down the road. To do, so, there is a way to turn off this "prerequisite boxing". Instructions are here: .

Only if the problem persists then:

Yes, allocate more than 20 seconds. In fact, for the worst case, we need to allocate more than 10 minutes, because in the rare case, this is the default value of the longest timeout in effect (OperationTimeout). And, we need to know whether BrowseDataNode returns then - and if it does return with an error (exception), then the details of that error. That may bring the information needed already. If not, we can proceed by obtaining detailed traces and logs (do not do that now, I would send instructions if we come that far).

Best regards
09 Mar 2019 16:23

Unable to reconnect to OPC Server

Category: Connections, Reconnections, Certificates

thank you for the files.

I have some questions:

1. Are you running on .NET Core, or .NET Framework? If on .NET Core, which operating system? I have to ask because you have also not provided the LogEntry notifications from the start of the program, which contain all of this. [note to myself: this question relates to the appearance of BadNotConnected status code]

2. Please confirm that you are running QuickOPC version 2018.3. Again that would be in the log entries at the beginning, but I do not have them.

3. It seems that each notification is written exactly 5 times in the files. I can "filter it" out, but I just want to not whether you are aware of it, and why is it. Aren't you hooking multiple times to the same static event?

4. When the logs were taken, were you running with debugger attached, or without?

5. Are you logging just Warning/Error kinds of notifications in LogEntry, or are Information notifications also included? (I do not see them, so I do not know whether they were not generated, or whether they were generated but not included in the log file).

6. Have you tried to wait very long (such as over 20 minutes) to see if there is still no recovery? What happens then? The reason I am asking this is that there are various timeout periods, and most of them are quite short, but the default for the so-called OperationTimeout is 10 minutes I believe, so under rare circumstances this can slow down things. I am almost sure that this is not the case here, but want to verify it anyway.

[Note to myself for possible next troubleshooting step, depending on the answers: deadlock analysis, extended tracing + wireshark]
12 Mar 2018 15:10
Replied by support on topic BadSecureChannelClosed


Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions


I also need to know the following:

1. Which version and build of QuickOPC you are using.

2. In the duplicate posting you made, you mention the fact that ReadMultipleValues blocks. If it blocks, it cannot return an error. Are we then discussing two issues here? - one that the function does not return, and the other that you get the error that does not recover? Please clarify.

3. When you do get the BadSecureChannelClosed, is that from ReadMultipleValues, or is it reported through the data change notification (or both?)

4. For complete analysis, can you please wait a bit more than 10 minutes on ReadMultipleValues to see whether it truly does not return even after this long time. The reason for it is that one of the timeouts involved (OperationTimeout) defaults to 10 minutes.

5. Very important: When you get into the situation where the application does not recover, start a second instance of the same application, and try to connect. Do you also get an error, or does the second instance work well?

Thank you
19 Jan 2018 15:41

ReadMultiplevalues never comes back

Category: Connection, Reconnections, Certificates

The default OperationTimeout is 2 minutes. If the method does not return after that, it is likely an issue of QuickOPC itself. We have recently fixed such an issue; however the fix will be only available i the upcoming version (2018.1), scheduled for release most likely in February.

If you are interested I can send you a private link to test the Beta version of it.
(Note: with Delphi, you will have to re-import the type libraries, as they have changed).

Best regards
19 Jan 2018 08:26

UA parameters corresponding to DA parameters

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions

Thank you for your answer. It's very complete.

You're right, the problem is on the first read, if PLC is not conncted when I start the application.

I will try to move (carefully) parameter on the OPC server side.

Thank you
19 Jan 2018 08:06 - 19 Jan 2018 08:08

UA parameters corresponding to DA parameters

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions

Here is why I strongly recommends against changing the OPC UA-level timeout for achieving what you have described.

The two timeouts - the one for the communication between the OPC UA client and the server, and the other for communication between the OPC server and the PLC - have very different purpose, and one cannot safely stand for the other.

If you shorten the OPC UA-level timeout in order to get "faster response" in case of communication problems, here is what will likely happen: The UA client side will abandon the pending request sooner, but it will not be cancelled on the UA server. The server will continue waiting for the value from the PLC. Further requests to the server, if they come "too soon", will have to wait until the outstanding requests are finished, make them to take even longer(!). And the number of uncompleted requests may start rising inside the server, causing further problems such as memory increase, queue overflows etc.

Suggestions to handle your issue properly depend on the application, but in general they are:
- Whenever possible, use OPC subscriptions instead of repeated Reads.
- Set the timeout for communication between the OPC server and the PLC to the right value.
- If you have to use the Reads, set the MaximumAge in the UAReadParameters (that you can pass to the Read) to a value that would allow the server to provide you the value from its cache in usual case (and, if needed and supported, configure the server to poll the value periodically for you). In fact, default value for MaximumAge already asks the server to give data form the cache anyway, so I am a bit surprised that your calls need to wait for the PLC, but it is possible that either you have changed the MaximumValue, or that the issues arise on the first Read when obviously there is nothing in the cache, or that the server does not interpret the MaximumAge correctly.

Best regards
19 Jan 2018 07:50 - 19 Jan 2018 08:07

UA parameters corresponding to DA parameters

Category: Reading, Writing, Subscriptions

I will respond in two posts. In this first post, I will try to explain how to do what you have asked for. In the second post, I will explain why you should not really do it.

The timeout value you are looking is most likely the OperationTimeout on the OPC UA service level. There is no configurable property for it in QuickOPC. It is possible to change it but you must go quite deep. To do that, read . In short, you need to create two XML config file AND change the value of the ConfigurationSources property.

For convenience, I am attaching the configuration file for OPC UA SDK that we are currently using inside QuickOPC. Look for <OperationTimeout> under <TransportQuotas>. Currently it is 120000 milliseconds (2 minutes).

File Attachment:

File Name: UAClientEn...1-19.xml
File Size:11 KB

Note that by shortening this timeout too much you can cause some otherwise correctly performing operations to appear failed.

Best regards
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