Professional OPC
Development Tools


Rapid OPC UA Server Development


OPC Wizard is a software toolkit for rapid development of OPC UA servers (OPC Unified Architecture). Its aim is to allow the fully functional server be developed with minimal boilerplate code and programming effort. Intricacies of OPC UA standard are handled by the OPC Wizard internally, and hidden from the developer.

The toolkit provides system integrators, OEMs and software developers with ability to create their own OPC UA servers without having to learn and implement the thousands of pages of OPC UA specifications.

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For OPC client and subscriber toolkit, see QuickOPC instead.

Why OPC Wizard?

  • Low-ceremony toolkit. No unnecessary boilerplate code.
  • No hassle with UA configuration or nodeset files, or node manager classes!
  • Extensive conceptual and reference documentation, including rich IntelliSense support.
  • Tons of examples available.
  • Allows secure local and remote communication with OPC UA application authentication via certificates.
  • None, Basic256Sha256, Aes128_Sha256_RsaOaep, Aes256_Sha256_RsaPss security policies with signing and optional encryption. 
  • You can develop servers in multiple programming languages. C# and VB.NET are the most common ones.
  • You can use .NET Framework or .NET 6+.
  • Host your server in a console application, desktop application with user interface, Windows service, or otherwise.
  • Runtime-free licenses (no royalties for distribution).

Download Free Trial

Show me the code!

Following C# code uses OPC Wizard to implement a fully functional OPC UA server with a data variable that provides random integer values.

var server = new EasyUAServer();
var random = new Random();
server.Add(new UADataVariable("DataVariable1").ReadValueFunction(() => random.Next()));


Getting Started with OPC Wizard

OPC Wizard Key features

  • Constructs the address space from your code.
  • Provides all OPC UA services necessary for reading, writing, subscriptions, and discovery.
  • No artifical limit to the number of clients, connections, subscriptions, or tags.
  • Reusable OPC UA Application Administration dialog.
  • Support of 32- and 64-bit applications.
  • Your server automatically integrates with OPC UA Local Discovery Server (LDS).
  • Operation monitoring services for easier troubleshooting.
  • Can be used from a range of development tools and IDEs. Integration with Visual Studio development environment.
  • Tested for OPC interoperability with wide range of clients.
  • Comes with a set of accompanying tools such as test clients.